Rainbow Bridge

For our Forever Morgans that have crossed over that Rainbow Bridge, we love you and miss you. We often wish that we could have had more time to show you the love that you deserve. We are grateful that, no matter how hard your life was before we met, in the end you knew kindness, comfort, and love.


JRC Blaze of Glory "Dante"

Broadway Guest Appearance

Broadway Guest Appearance



We always hope that our rescues go on to live long, happy lives. Sometimes those lives aren't as long as we all hoped for. Handsome Shane was as good looking as they come. He had a friendly nature, and he wasn't old, either, but he had obviously known many hard miles. Imagine the damage done to his legs vanishing completely when he cantered the Rainbow Bridge.

His foster home loved him very much and gave him many happy days, in lovely green grass with friends, both human and equine. We are all grateful to them for their gentle care of this lovely fellow. Thank you to everyone who helped us help Shane.


There was an incident in which Bindi completely unexpectedly bit her foster Mom. We had a vet out to examine her, to try to determine the cause and if she was safe to adopt out. He determined that she was in constant pain that could never be completely under control and the kindest thing to do would be to euthanize her. This we did, the hardest part of our responsibility to the horses we rescue.

Century Gabriella

The Baptist

The Baptist


Ozark Mountain Dakota

Dakota spent most of her life without her own person to love, until she found her way to Forever Morgans. For the last few months of her life Kota knew that she was safe, and experience kindness and gentleness for the first time in her life. She has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but will always be in our hearts as a ForeverMorgan.
Amazing Amazing

W-B Amazemint "Amazing"

Amazing! The long time owners of Mazie described the horse they called Amy as amazing. They would have kept her to live out her life on pasture but are very limited on space and did not have room for both Amy and another horse, and sadly had to sell her. Even their family’s youngest, not quite 2 years old, was in the stall trying to brush her legs to prepare her to leave. It was hard for the entire family to get rid of their "darling Amy" but especially terrible for the kids. They were overjoyed to hear that people might be working to find Amy a good home.

And what a wonderful home she found! There was so much more this Amazing Mazie had to give, all she needed was a chance. FM members gave her that chance. She was 32 at her death, and had been with her foster home for several years and had more kids to love. Her people adored her. She was like a beautiful clock whose mainspring just ran down after giving her life in the service of humans, and who found along the way, ones to love, and ones who loved her back.

Rudoy Courageous Cindy

Rudoy Courageous Cindy, aka MsC, crossed the Rainbow Bridge today, helped on her way to run pain free in greener pastures. She was my special needs foster for almost two years, and this fall the wear and tear from her hard working years became too much for quality of life. She is laid to rest on my hill along my woods with my other beloved departed equines.


W-B Advice

Black River Girl

THFM Black River Girl

We are sad to report that Black River Girl was humanely put to sleep this week. Beautiful River Girl had chronic lymph edema on the left hind and had recently developed severe ring bone of the right hind. It developed very quickly and she was having problem walking and she was in pain. After exploring options that would help her maintain a comfortable life, the difficult decision to lay her to rest was made.

Our thanks and condolences to the foster home, who showed River Girl the kindness and comfort she deserved. Foster moms are no less moms in the eyes of the horses who rely upon them, nor to the rest of us in rescue who know the huge service they provide.


Dia H Cricket

It is great sadness that we have to report that we have lost our beautiful Cricket. DIA H Cricket, foaled in 1993, was rescued in 2017 and went into foster care. Cricket has been previously used as a trail horse and in 4H. She was easy to handle, very sweet, and got along great with the other horses. She was what we would all call easy to love.

While in her foster home, she blossomed, and her true outer beauty matched her inner beauty. She graced the home of everyone who purchased a 2019 Forever Morgans calendar, as she was featured in it, along with another rescued mare, DIA H Bonny Girl. We lost Bonnie several months ago, and now Cricket has joined her. Surely, the fields of heaven are all the more wonderful for having these two lovely mares grazing within.

We wish to pass our deepest condolences to their fosterer, who gave these mares such wonderful care after their rescue. While we refer to her as their foster mom, we are certain the mares just thought of her as their human mom, and knew they were home, where love and kind care was bountiful.

Gallop in joy, beautiful Cricket.

Adventure's Miss Ritz

Adventure's Miss Ritz

Our beautiful Missy (Adventures Miss Ritz) has moved on to Heaven’s green pastures. She was a beautiful mare, and a favorite of many of the people who cared for her. She suffered a serious colic earlier this week and the hard decision to end her pain and send her on her way was made. We are ever so grateful to Jan Scotto for fostering her, and even more, loving her since she became a Forever Morgans rescue.

MLF Sudden Glory

MLF Sudden Glory

He will be sadly missed by his boy who called him Bullseye (after the horse in Toy Story).

Minion Flipside

Minion Flipside

Mother of seven foals, English Pleasure mare extraordinaire, snarky matriarch of Tantius Farm, beloved mount of my nephew, Jack. We lost Minion Flipside this morning. She leaves behind her bestie, Dede, and a farm full of broken hearted people who loved her. You will be deeply missed, Sarah Bear.

Dia H Bonnie Girl

Dia H Bonnie Girl

DIA Bonnie Girl, was humanely euthanized due to a worsening eye condition that was resistant to treatment, and was becoming quite painful.

SJV Lord of the Rings

SJV Lord of the Rings

SJV Lord of the Rings

SJV Lord of The Rings, aka Petey, has died just as we were making arrangements to bring him to safety. We are all shocked and heartbroken, and our deepest, most heartfelt condolences go to those of you who remembered him and had personal stories to share with him.

Sonjas Simple Faith

Sonjas Simple Faith

Sonjas Simple Faith

- 2017

There are many faces to rescue. Some of them are stained with tears. Beautiful, beloved Faith was humanely put to sleep after her family and their vet reached the difficult decision that nothing else could be done to keep her comfortable. Her adopter summarized Faith’s life with them in this very simple, poignant sentence, "We love her and have done our best to give her a wonderful life."

In the end, that is all any horse can ask. Our hearts ache for the loss felt by Faith’s family, but rejoice that she had, at the end, the very best human friends she could have.

Run free of pain now, beautiful Faith, in the green pastures that await all good horses such as yourself. We shall remember, always your gentleness.

Twice A Lady

Forever Little Lady

Forever Little Lady


Forever Little Lady didn't stay with us long enough for us to know her well. She appeared on the scene seemingly healthy but very petite. But it didn't take long to realize something was seriously wrong. The vet said it was a terminal birth defect and she would not recover from it. She was humanely euthanized with her loving people and mom nearby. This was heartbreaking for all involved. Mama Flaire had tried so hard to be a good mother. She carried her baby through near starvation and a circuit through the auctions. She was a good mama when Little Lady arrived- careful, and loving. Flaire's foster family are wonderful and have helped her to recover from this devastating loss. We don't know why some angels only stay a short time here on Earth. We do know that Little Lady was loved and wanted by everyone. She arrived in a safe and happy place. We are sure she is in a safe and happy place now with all the other equine angels who have gone on ahead. Run free Forever Little Lady. You won't be forgotten.





Many horse owners have had the scary experience of having one of their horses escape from their pasture. Unfortunately, it was just such an experience that sadly proved fatal for a beautiful gelding named Moonshine. He was not a direct Forever Morgans rescue, but his dam, JBS Brandywine, was. He was a surprise foal after her adoption. According to his owner, Moonshine's nickname was Houdini, because he was so good at finding ways to escape his pasture and go exploring. His owner is heartbroken that he escaped one time too many. This time his escape was at night and he found himself on a country road. The truck driver did not see him in time and the accident was unavoidable. The vet did everything he could to save Moonshine, but his injuries were too severe. Our hearts go out to his owner and we are so sorry for the loss of Moonshine.

Twice A Lady

FMRescue Twice A Lady

FMRescue Twice A Lady

5/2013 - 1/2017

FMRescue Twice a Lady lost her life in a tragic accident on January 29, 2017. Although she was comfortable being in the crossties, something apparently scared her. She fell and broke her pelvis and had to be humanely euthanized. Her new adoptive family is absolutely devastated by their loss. Twice a Lady was just 3 months old when Forever Morgans rescued her and her dam, Showy Lady’s Slipper. They were purchased with money donated to honor Jessica Rekos, as she was one of those young ladies who loved horses. Little Jessica lost her life in the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on Dec. 12, 2012. Twice a Lady was a beautiful chestnut mare with a striking blaze. She had a wonderful future ahead of her, but sometimes tragedy strikes and nothing can be done to prevent it. Forever Morgans was so very sorry to hear about the loss of this lovely young mare.


Walnut Lane Missy

Walnut Lane Missy


Walnut Lane Missy was a proud-looking Morgan mare with gorgeous dapples. She had lived a productive life, both as a well-used driving horse and a broodmare, during which she produced 9 foals for her owners. After being taken in by Forever Morgans, she starting living a life of luxury at her foster home and she enjoyed some wonderful trail rides for a while. After several months she began showing signs of lameness, which required an evaluation by a vet. The results of that exam were heartbreaking. Missy had gradually developed unsoundness in three legs, with the right front being the most painful for her. It had high and low ringbone and bone spurs. She had bony enlargements of both front pasterns and her fetlocks were beginning to drop. She also had issues in her hocks, with suspensory ligament inflammation and weakness. The vet determined that there was no surgery or treatment that would be effective or of value. Pain medication was prescribed and given to Missy, but over time it lost its effectiveness. It is heartbreaking to watch a horse live in pain, but the Board members still had great difficulty in making what was unfortunately the only kind decision to help this poor girl, so she no longer had to suffer. Beautiful Missy left this earth on November 28, 2016.


L B Star Callone

L B Star Callone


It is with a heavy heart that we have to report that Callie (L B Star Callone) has passed away. Sweet Callie was the matriarch of a band of horses seized due to abuse. She quickly won the hearts of all who encountered her, including one of the officers involved in her initial rescue. He became her foster, and she recovered her health while strolling in green pastures with a herd of friendly horses. She knew comfort and kindness in the last part of her life and passed away in the very pasture she had come to call home. Run free, dear girl.

LV  Blaze

Locust Valley Blaze

Locust Valley Blaze


There comes a time when hard decisions must be made. We, the Board, try our best to always do what is right by the horses in our care. Today we made the tough decision to euthanize LV Blaze. Many of you might remember Blaze as the horse that was not going to take guff from anyone. He had had enough and was out to make sure humans knew it. First Cindy and Tom started teaching him that there was another way, another kind of human, another way of life ...that didn't include being abused. He responded. Then he moved to Kathy and Jim's place where they continued the process of healing his heart and his mind. At their place he also found a true friend in Wendy who visited him daily and helped heal him with love. He became a lovely, friendly boy who looked forward to interacting with his humans. Sadly though there are some things even the most kind-hearted and patient humans cannot change. Blaze has had injuries to his front legs that have just proceeded to get worse. Today the vet gave us the diagnosis we most dreaded- Blaze is in constant pain and there is really nothing more we can do for him. His recommendation was to euthanize him - helping him cross the Bridge with love and friendship. So, very soon we will offer our hands in love to Blaze for the last time on this plane. Rise up sweet Blaze, cross the Bridge with your proud carriage and be the horse you were always meant to be. We will miss you until we meet again.


Crestfield Double Joy

Crestfield Double Joy


Some very sad news from Indiana. The beautiful Forever Morgans rescue, Crestfield Double Joy crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She developed colic that, despite the heroic efforts of her family and her veterinarians, could not be resolved. Run free, sweet Joy! I'm glad you spent your last year enjoying the love of your own girl!


JMF Night Wind

JMF Night Wind



Dreaming of Gold

Dreaming of Gold

2002 - October 2015

One of the hardest parts of being decision makers for Forever Morgans Rescue is when, despite our best efforts, the kindest thing to do for one of our rescues is to let them go peacefully. It's never easy, and we do our best to make sure that we have exhausted our options before making that decision.

Thus it is with Dreamer. A beautiful Palomino Morgan, he was diagnosed with heaves after we took him in, no doubt the reason he ended up in need of rescue in the first place. Several treatments were tried, but as the veterinarian said in his most recent report to us,

"At the time of examination on 9-25-15, he was at rest in a small paddock with one other horse. His nostrils were flared and his breathing was mildly labored and the rate elevated. According to the barn manager, he seems to take breaks from eating hay just so he can catch his breath.

The long term prognosis for this horse is very poor. He is unusable at present- he is barely functioning as a "pasture pet" due to his compromised lung function. I suggested to Cindy to try a series of two dexamethasone shots, and she informed me just today that each shot gives about a two-day improvement . Aggressive, long term steroid therapy is not a long term solution anyway due to the side effects. His case is definitely one of the most severe and intractable cases our practice has ever seen.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but due to the severity of his symptoms and failure to respond to treatment, at the point where the staff feels he is suffering I would recommend euthanasia."

Thus, rather than have him suffer even to stand and eat, we have made the decision to ease his pain.

Aikanes Prancing Prince

Aikane's Prancing Prince

Aikane's Prancing Prince

- July 15, 2015

Once upon a time there was a beautiful horse with a kind spirit that needed Forever Morgans help. He wasn't too young, he wasn't too old- he was just right! He joined the other FM horses in foster and his future looked very bright. People immediately began inquiring about making him part of their families. But unbeknownst to any of us there was a darkness growing in Prince. In the presence of his adopter mom and her vet Prince had a very serious, very violent seizure. Thankfully no one was hurt- this time. Everyone so wanted this to be an isolated incident, one that Prince could move forward from happily into his future. The vet did extra research and reached out to others. Forever Morgans did extra work and reached out to others. Sadly, the results were the same- and they weren't positive. In all likelihood Prince would continue to have violent seizures and there was a substantial risk of him hurting himself and others. The cures were not truly cures, just stop-gap measures that might or might not work. The cost to find out what was causing the seizures was in the thousands of dollars- and all the experts agreed it likely wouldn't change the outcome. Sadly and with great reluctance the decision was made to lay Prince to rest. He will now have his own kingdom of grassy pastures to run in and we know all the Forever Morgans horses that preceded him will greet him and treat him royally.

Blossom's Thumbelina

Blossom's Thumbelina

Blossom's Thumbelina

- July 16, 2015

Blossom's Thumbelina was laid to rest today. She was a mare with a big heart and a big motor. And yet she was gentle with little kids. In the last week she stopped eating, stocked up badly in her right foreleg and left hind, to the point where her skin was splitting. Vet said she had all the signs of advanced cancer, and there was a suspicious lump on her face. It's hard to see one go, even when it's the right thing to do. Her foster parents have buried her in their pasture, where she loved to hang out.

Boxford Trustworthy

Boxford Trustworthy

Boxford Trustworthy

- July 1, 2015

It is with a sad and heavy heart that Boxford Trustworthy will be laid to rest today to run free and without pain. She was pulled from a kill pen and has been being treated for lameness without a great deal of success. X-rays taken on Monday showed severe rotation of the coffin bone in the right hoof and in the left hoof sinking of the coffin bone which means the entire white line has separated; the coffin bone has settled down onto the entire sole. Please think of her today as she crosses the rainbow bridge and runs free.



MCM American Prayer

Registered 1998 bay gelding
May 2, 1998 to January 6, 2015

It feels like being punched in the gut.

FM was contacted about a registered gelding at a broker lot and immediately said that we would take him. We sent payment to the intermediary (the broker only works with an intermediary, not directly with individuals or rescues) and made arrangements to pick up the horse. We were getting two other horses from this broker, so planned to pick them all up at the same time. We paid for all three horses so thought they were safe.

We looked up the gelding's registration info, contacted his former owners, and started working on finding him a forever home. MCM American Prayer, 1998 bay gelding by UVM Alliance out of Westerly Betsy Ross, was a champion show horse with numerous titles in classic pleasure, hunter pleasure, pleasure driving and junior exhibitor classes. Cute, sweet, a show horse for kids – surely he would find a home quickly! We talked to a former owner who had showed him as a junior exhibitor. “Ricky” was her first horse and the pair was extremely successful in the show ring. He loved attention and people and greatly enjoyed showing, a charming trickster who loved to play. She sent photos of some their wins, her with a huge smile and Ricky looking glossy and proud, wearing championship ribbons and rosettes. She grew up and the horse was given to what they believed was a good home. The new owners never transferred the registration so she lost track of him, but surely a well-mannered champion children's horse would have a good life being loved by other kids. She never dreamed that her sweet Ricky would be at risk of slaughter.

The broker had been at a cattle auction when the intermediary talked to him, and since he didn't know the horse’s tag number he marked it as tag “1000”. He didn't bother to update his records or move the horse to a back pen with the other paid horses because the horse would be picked up soon. But that night the broker's son was loading horses to ship to Canada and needed one more horse to make a full load, so he grabbed the gelding. A friendly boy, Ricky was probably easy to catch in a dark pen late at night. He shipped.

When our QT provider went to pick up the three horses from the broker the gelding could not be found. The broker figured out what happened and apologized, but Ricky is gone. We tried to get in touch with the truck and the plant, but the load has already been “processed”. The horses are dead, slaughtered for meat.

There is no legal recourse. We were refunded what we had paid for Ricky, $525, and the broker considers the deal done. If we make a fuss about it he will quit working with the intermediary and even more horses will ship. There's nothing we can do except cry, and then work even harder to keep other horses from the same fate.

Ricky, we're incredibly sorry. We wanted you to be loved again, to charm people into giving you treats, to proudly carry another little girl around the show ring, to have the good life that you deserve. It was so close, but you slipped through our fingers.

FM has saved several horses recently that we've gotten out of the broker lot, and even off the truck, at the last minute. FM is working with more people to save more Morgans, doing everything we can to help horses find forever homes. We thought Ricky would be another save, another success story, and we're devastated that it didn't happen that way.

The other two horses from the broker are safe at the quarantine barn. Another horse is in the stall where Ricky should have been.



Brookstone Hy-Sierra

Registered 2000 bay mare
Rescued April 2014, died December 2014

Sierra came to us as an owner surrender from an Amish family who wanted more for her than the risky options an auction offered. She was a kind, gentle, lovely mare, who found friends at every stage of her life. Sierra had a successful show career as a three-year old, where she danced under the lights at the Morgan Grand National, and then led a quiet life as a pasture pet. Her family had to downsize and contacted us to make sure that she would be safe and loved. Sierra went to a wonderful foster home with high hopes that she could return to riding and driving, possibly returning to the show ring. Her foster home noticed some concerning physical issues, and a thorough evaluation discovered she was suffering with Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM). Muscle wasting in her jaw did not allow her to eat properly, and she suffered from an inability to control her body movements and thus was a danger to herself and to others - both human and equine. Several treatment plans were explored in the hopes of enabling her to continue her life with dignity and comfort, but the EPM had already progressed to the point where her quality of life was severely compromised and her chances of recovery were very slim. Her attending vet told us the words all of us with horses understand: if she was his horse, he would euthanize her. Her last days were filled with gentleness and peace, and she had all the tender alfalfa she could eat. She was completely worry-free and among friends when it came time to release her to the Rainbow Bridge. We all hope for a wonderful happy ending to every one of the stories that begins when we bring a horse into the Forever Morgans family. We all hoped for a different one to Sierra’s story, but we know that sometimes our task is to ensure the kindest ending.
Sierra's only foal, Annabelle, was rescued at an auction in August 2014. Her pedigree caight our eye and her low price put her at risk of going to a kill buyer or broker. She is greatly loved and, like her mother, brings joy to those around her.
Photo from Sierra's show career graciously provided by Howard Schatzberg



Shipyard PT Vibrant Song

Registered 2001 bay mare
Rescued February 2013, died November 2014

A lovely horse, a kind, gentle, sweet mare who everyone adored, was living in pain with no relief in sight. Rescued in the beginning of 2013, we sent her to an excellent foster home with high hopes for a life where she would be loved and cherished, could rehabilitate her injuries, and possibly even return to the show ring. Although she was most definitely well loved she was always in great pain. We all tried to find a way for her to live comfortably and happily, but ultimately we were unsuccessful in finding relief for her. Her daily life continued to consist of the least amount of movement because moving hurt and medicine didn't help enough. After much discussion with her fosters and with her vet it was decided that the greatest kindness we could do her was to help her cross the Bridge to green, pain-free pastures. With sadness in our hearts, knowing she would be so missed by many but also knowing it was what was best for her, Song was laid to rest surrounded by people who loved her. We feel blessed to have known this mare, blessed that she left us with her foal FMRescue Sailor, and blessed that she was loved and cared for by a wonderful group of fosters at DCT Farm. Run free, Song, you will be forever remembered.



Sunday Vision

Registered 1987 bay stallion
Rescued June 2010, died October 2014

Sunday was a gentle soul, extraordinarily kind and sweet. He had fallen on hard times before he was rescued and was in poor condition when FM got him. He was nursed back to health and regained a shine in his coat and a sparkle in his eye. Everyone loved Sunday, but his best buddy was a barn cat who would cuddle and hang out next to him. His adopters gave him a wonderful life and miss him dearly.



Carreg Wen Holly

Registered 1986 bay mare
Rescued February 2011, died June 2014

Holly let us know from her very first day that she was something special and deserved to be treated that way. She would never admit it, but she was a bit of a diva and being a former Grand Nationals winner and the dam of several winning show horses she had the right to be. She quickly established herself as the lead mare and required daily pets and scratches from all who admired her. She had arthritis so was not really ridden except to lead a light weight younger from time to time. Her few years with her forever home were filled with green grass and good companions. Her adopter was grateful that Forever Morgans chose to rescue her and because of that her last moments were peaceful and not spent in fear.


Chalice Mystical Illusion

Registered 1994 bay mare
Rescued November 2012, died October 2013

She was a sweet illusion that was not meant to be with us for long. Illy was a beautiful mare with a heart of gold. She had a wonderful foster home with people who cared about her and gave her a job to do. One of those jobs was to accept the love and care of her own little girl as she taught the value of selfless love and friendship. We wish that Illusion could have spent more time here on Earth with those who loved her but perhaps there was a need for another equine angel in heaven. Run free sweet girl, we will all miss you.



BR Loves and Kisses

Registered 1981 black mare
Rescued 2010, died 2013

Pecan and her sister, Shadow (BR Darling Shadow) where rescued in 2010 when their owner was no longer able to care for them. They enjoyed retirement, quietly living a life of leisure in a nice pasture where they accepted the attention and treats from a loving family. Pecan grew progressively weaker in the hindquarters as she aged, until one day she layed down and was unable to get up even with assistance from her family and the vet. She was euthanized and crossed over comfortably with many caring people surrounding her.




1996 Liver chestnut mare
Rescued May 2011, died June 2013

Solace was an Amish road horse who was happy to have an easier life after being rescued. She quickly learned what carrots and apples were and became quite bonded with her adopter. She recognized her car, and when it turned into the drive Solace would trot up the fence line and wait impatiently to be taken out of the pasture. Sadly, she became very ill and was gently put to sleep. For the two years they belonged to each other, she made her adopter's life joyful every day. She is dearly missed.

Abigail Lee

Abigail Lee

Registered 2011 chestnut mare
Rescued and died 2013

Abigail was bailed and adopted straight off the broker lot. She went to her adoptive home in Maine and came in really sick. After consulting with her adopter's vet and trying really hard to get her well, it was recommended that Abigail be laid to rest.

Tianna Mae Shallmar

Registered 1996 chestnut mare
Rescued May 2012, died December 2013, pregnant when rescued



Chestnut gelding
Rescued October 2011, died February 26, 2013

He was a wonderful little Morgan horse who was greatly loved by his family. Teddy was a happy camper right up to the end and was gently laid to rest with his head on his owner's lap.


RNHRT Somebody's Darling

Registered 2004 bay mare
Rescued December 2012, died January 2013

Darling had recently arrived at her foster home when her hoof became entangled in her halter. In the struggle, she fractured her vertebra resulting in substantial paralysis. The vet on call recommended that Darling be euthanized immediately. Run free, Darling.


Forever Magic Man

Registered 1999 bay gelding
Rescued 2011, died December 2012

Oscar was adopted by his foster mom and loved dearly. Sadly, shortly before Christmas, Oscar was found non-reactive in the pasture. The veterinarian on call thinks he suffered an anuerism. Oscar did not suffer but he is sorely missed.


Midnight Guy

Grade 2010 bay gelding
Rescued in utero 2010, died fall 2012

Guy was a young curious soul who had so much to live for. His dam, Rusty Sunshine, was rescued in 2010. No one knew she was pregnant, so her adopter was quite surprised by Guy's arrival. Guy was with a foster home when he suffered a fractured pelvis in a pasture accident. He was treated but vets determined that he would never be able to walk or move without severe pain, so he was humanely put down. His life was far too short, but Guy knew nothing but love and kindness.



Bay mare
Rescued 2009, died summer 2012

Angel was a lovely Morgan-type mare, rescued from New Holland in 2009. She was aged at the time we pulled her and her body showed the scars of a life that was hard-lived. A spunky old lady, Angel also knew how to make you laugh. Despite her creaky body, she would occasionally let out a big unexpected buck, just to see if you were paying attention - and then laugh at the look of shock and concern on your face if you were. Her last years were spent in retirement enjoying the grass, her friends and a nice warm blanket. She passed away in the summer of 2012 and is much missed by her family, furry and not.


Forever Remembered

Chestnut 2012 filly
Rescued in utero January 2012, born and died April 2012

The mare Atta Lane Fantabulous, known as Penny, was rescued in early January 2012 and went to a foster home, where she unexpectedly gave birth. The filly was a total surprise -- Penny showed NO signs of pregnancy and was not sold with any indications she had been bred. She had a difficult birth; the foal had to be repositioned and the mare suffered some tears. Penny did not accept the filly, so she was taken to a facility for special care and help in the bonding process. Sadly, the filly did not survive. The filly was posthumously named Forever Remembered. If FM had known that Penny was pregnant, her filly could have had a much different outcome for both the mare and foal. The Forever Remembered fund has been created so that all mares are checked for pregnancy so there are no future surprises, and to care for any pregnant mares who have difficulties.



Chestnut mare
Rescued and died February 2012

Melody was very ill when she was rescued. The vets were stumped and thought it was severe pneumonia or late stages of strangles. She was treated and put on antibiotics and seemed to be rallying, then 10 days into treatment Melody took a drastic turn and lost her battle.
Melody was a sweet, sweet girl who was truly thankful for every day she was out of the kill pen and not working hard. Every day that she was with us, the foster family's 7-year old daughter would sit in her stall for hours and share long conversations. Melody knew love before she left this earth.



Chestnut gelding
Rescued March 2011, died January 2012

A proud Morgan gelding without registration papers, Traveler came to FM in March of 2011. He carried a note to auction that he was a good driver, able to go up to 90 miles. Traveler's legs had been pin-fired a number of times and he had bowed tendons in both front legs. We can only imagine how painful it was for him to work, but that didn't stop his beautiful spirit. Traveler loved attention from his people and was usually the first horse to the gate, earning him much love from his FM family. Inexplicably, over a number of months the mental and physical trauma Traveler endured in his early life began to show up as physical pain, resulting in unpredictable behavior toward other horses and people. A prisoner in his own body, the difficult decision was made to lay him to rest in January of 2012.
Traveler, though you walked a difficult road in your earthly life, may heaven offer you peace, relief from pain and the joy of companionship you so deserve. The lives you touched miss you still.



Chestnut mare
Rescued December 2010, died January 2011

Kahlua was a beautiful mare with a soft coat the color of coffee-cream. She went to foster with a generous soul who immediately recognized that this kind, little elderly mare was in need of significant veterinary treatment. Perhaps she went to sale because her previous owner couldn't afford to maintain her. Perhaps her most recent owner knew something was wrong but never had it diagnosed. The presence of already healed surgery scars indicated that someone, somewhere knew of her plight. Whatever the reason, Kahlua was fortunate to spend her final weeks under the loving and specialized care of an extraordinary foster mom and companion of veterinarians, Drs. Emily Olson and Misty Gray, whose judgement Forever Morgans respected when the most difficult call had to be made. She was humanely euthanized surrounded with love, kindness and comfort.

Kahlua was with us for a short time, but she had a big impact. The Kahlua fund was created in her honor to give other horses the kind of end-of-life care we were able to extend to Kahlua.




Bay gelding
Rescued 2009, died October 2010

Ranger was rescued in early 2009. He was a special, aged grade gelding who was ridden bareback through the DTS pen by the auction staff to evaluate the other horses. Our contact at AC4H saw something exceptional in him and pleaded with us to save him, saying, "He can't go this way" (meaning on the one-way ride to Canada). Well, we pulled Ranger and he was adopted by a loving forever home, who cared for him until he passed away in October of 2010. Ranger was well into his thirties when he crossed over. Everyone who met Ranger saw the special light that shone from his eyes. He was very special and very loved. He blessed his adoptive family with his presence and his memory is cherished by all of us at FM.


Brown gelding
Rescued and died January 2011


Bay mare
Rescued January 2010 with foal at side, died 2010
Forever Morgans Rescue, Inc.

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